Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Charles R. SwindollCategory: ReadBy J.D.ThomsonMarch 25, 2018Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:The Benefits Of Giving Up LyingNextNext post:5 PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORIES TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND YOUR PROSPECTSRelated PostsWhat Is Product Marketing? The Basics ExplainedApril 11, 2022How to Add a New User in WordPressApril 7, 2022What is target market with 5 examples from Brands you love?July 27, 2021Journal 23: Amazon takes on QVCMarch 8, 2021Journal 22: Australia vs Facebook:March 2, 2021Journal 21: Domino’s and the irresponsible offer:March 1, 2021