Hello World
Hope you’re doing well and staying safe in this weird times we find are selves in.
Today I wanted to Discuss selling and a way to think about selling. as a lot of professionals are intimidated by the act of selling. they often Overthink it and in turn Dont do it.
Way For Me To Help You:
Let’s explore this for a second, if there is a way for me to Help you better understand selling and also Help action more sells, this would be a great thing to move forward your Business and your team, right But HOW. I have a tip today that may help you get over the sells hump you have created in your own head, its very simple and you might be asking yourself why you never thought about it like this.
Know Your Product:
Lets start by saying that you need to know your product inside and Out
- What it Does
- What if’s Benefits
- Its the best value
- Everything (and I mean everything)
This will make you prepared for How you present your pitch but also Help you on the next part i am going to share.
You Have to be certain, certain that your product is the best on the market for your prospect if You are uncertain so will your prospect. They can hear it in your voice, what you say, what you do and how you react.
If it’s not a great product then go an improve it, no amount of marketing or sales can sell a bad product, selling a useless product is what conmen do.
Selling is Like a Thermometer
Selling is Like a thermometer one side cold the Other Hot and you Have to push your prospect from cold to Hot.
A-lot of sales people think that a no means they Dont Like the product, when a-lot of the time its because they Dont Fully understand it and you need to move them up the thermometer.
Getting them hotter and in turn more certain about your product or service. With each action should be moving them closer and closer to RED Hot certainty,
So by the Least touch point they have no Fear, Doubt or uncertainty that your product is perfect for them and their Life or company.
I hope this has helped and added some clarity to your otherwise uncertain company future.
Until next time this has been Jack Thomson